Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Research on Ownership/Possession/Letting Go

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17              Macon’s keys

35              Summer houses for blacks; “They’ll like it if they own it”
51ff           Father protecting their property
55              “own things”
63              Milkman “belonged” to Macon now and “not to Ruth”
92              Pilate’s and Reba’s generosity “was so wholehearted it looked like carelessness”
93-95         Pilate confronts Reba’s man (“belonged” to Pilate)
120            The past as “some burden” that Milkman “didn’t deserve”
142            Pilate picks up a rock from every place she lives
154            Guitar’s seven days logic—keep the numbers the same
163            Money is freedom; you’ll own it all
178-180     Peacock
222-223     Everybody wants the life of a black man
232, 236    The Butlers all dead—“disproves” Guitar’s seven days logic
235            The Dead family farm a symbol of success
250            Watch breaks; hunger in old men’s eyes
271            Milkman stripped of his city identity (down to new clothes and shoes)
276-281     Doesn’t “deserve”; finally belongs
294            Milkman: I’m losing everything
306            Guitar to Hagar: You can’t own a human being
332            Hagar the one Milkman left behind (you can’t fly off)
335-336     Pilate’s death: If I’d a knowed more, I would a loved more
337            If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it

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